Sat 04 Jan
friends for free! 100% free sign up!
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
G O N E @ 10 AM*** S U P A *** V O T E D #1 *** B E S T L I P S IN T H E C I T Y *** S U P A * - 28
(Montgomery, INCALLS & OUTCALLS)
$60 SiMoNe (((♥))) OFT€N IMITAT€D but N€V€R DUPLiCAT€D THiCK eBoNY BBW(((♥))) - 69
(Montgomery, Incall Only Close To Area)
A taste of sexual perfection( VESTAVIA AREA) INCALLS ONLY (901)282-3340 - 24
(Birimingham, Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa)
Amazing 24hr Incall $pecials New 2 This Alexa Munroe - 24
(Montgomery, montgomery and surrounding areas)
( ☻ ) ( ☻ ) BUSTY! Super TOE-CURLING! B@d Girls Do GOOD THINGS! Check my END! - 23
(Montgomery outcall/incall)
LAST DAY WITH THE 1 & ONLY **STAR** ♛ Don't Miss Out ♛ Upscale ♛ Amazing Beauty ♛ GREAT REVIEWS ♛ - 26
(Montgomery, EXIT 11 Available ALL day)
100 % T o T a L ** P a C k A g E*****P E F E C T ***** BuBBle BuTT ***** 100% ReAl PiCs - 24
(Montgomery, outcalls & incalls)
40*50*100💦LoNg T@NgU€ A1👅SLℹ🅿🅿e®¥★ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 💞 I CaN MaKe It Disappear💦😳iDo what She Dont💦 - 19
(Montgomery, Troy hwy)
☃I WiLl MakE u FeEl ❄ LiKe A kId @ CHRISTMAS ☃ N€W P!CS GONE @ 7AM - 69
(Montgomery, €XIT 6 UND€R TH€ MISTL€TO€/LEAVING @ 7AM)
☎~☎~☎ ✔ I'm ☆ Alw@ys ☆ On ☆ My ☆ N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior!! ✔SPECIALS ALL DAY& NIGHT! ☎~☎~☎✔✔ - 24
(Montgomery, Incall or Outcall)
💋KandyLand💋The Sexiest Thickest Caucasian👀Pictures Do No Justice Must See N Person👀 - 25
(Montgomery, montgomery Incall&Outcalls;)
BeAuTiFuL BoMbSheLL!!! ...BrAnD NeW To YoUr TOwN!!! ...((AsK AbOuT mY FrEe SpeCiaL)) - 23
A'M - - _°_ - - - I ~~ the ~ one - for - - _°_ - - YOU ? {{}{STUNNING° black ° PIN-UP}}{} - 23
(Montgomery, IN=Call}} - V.I.P - Cup-CaKe)
60 $PEC$::NeW N@K3D BU$TY-- GolDiLocK$»-(FUN GARanTeed) * »-; (1OO% REAL): ViSiTiNG! - 25
(Montgomery, Est. Blvd. --> Exit6)
70 $PECIALS::SEXY BUSTY---- Mrs. NuVo Black*»-(Last Day) * »-; (1OO% REAL): ViSiTiNG! - 22
☆★☆Explore Your Wild Side ☆★☆ Come Experience Your Curiosity♥♡Mz. La La $35 Special - 24
(Montgomery, Eastern Blvd)
GoRgeOuS Ebony ⤠bigbooty and CuRvY ⤠SloPPieSt mOuTh ever ~ T|gHt & w£tt~ $50/25min hOLidaY SPls - 23
(Montgomery, Incall/outcalls $50/25min Exit 6)
CHERRY. I'm back in town 3346554948 thick, fun & ready( recent pics and 1000% real) - 24
(Montgomery, in a safe place)
CURVACEOUS Elite Sultry Playmate TOURING June 27th -30th TOP 20* Well REVIEWED! - 32
(Birmingham, Birmingham, Huntsville , Montgomery,, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa)
★••★••❤★••★••❤ Beautiful Sexy Star ★••★••❤★••★••❤ Last Night Here!!! - 28
(Montgomery, i85/eastern blvd)
Allow »-★- » Ms BlOnDe »-★-» To »-★-» Brighten »-★- » Ur »-★- » Night - 21
(Montgomery, In or Out near You !)
Fri 03 Jan
The highly reviewed $$Ms.Limber$$ is here wit new pics and $50 specials!!!Don't miss this deal!!! - 27
(Montgomery, eastern blvd in and outcalls)
PRETTY FACE ________ BIG B*O*O*T*Y ________ KILLER RATES ____ - 21
(Montgomery, exit 3/Montgomery/Zelda rd.)
*50 qv special*Im the one to make your night when your lazy wife is not acting right - 30
✨Classy & Professional✨ (334 403 3288 Michelle Available 24/7 - 29
(available 24/7(incall/outcall), Montgomery)
{{{ Florida's #1 Exotic Playmate... KRYSTAL TRUZ - Ranked: 5*Stars *{Mixed BOMBSHELL} - 22
(Montgomery, Eastern Blvd/Carmicheal/Exit 6)
¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥• I'm ¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥• back •♥•.¸¸.•♥•.¸ Call ¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥• me ¸.•♥•.¸¸.•♥• BIG BOOTY - 25
(Montgomery, BIG BOOTY LOVERS MUST SEE !404-839-3525)
*50 qv special*Im the one to make your night when your lazy wife is not acting right - 30
All American Blonde - 22
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
$Stupid🐺GripNLipz💦 The Baddest Of Them All, D@rknLovely, 678/372/1110 - 26
(East Blvd #1$Qurritterrr, Montgomery)
T :: H:: I :: C :: K : ___ :: (new) :: __ : C_U_R_V Y __ :: (gal) :: __ B :: U :: S :: T :: Y - 28
(Montgomery, GOOGLE ME BABY !!!! (404) 200 - 6533)
💋very KiNKY ✨I aim to please your every fantasy🎀 334-595-8636 NO DRAMA only relaxation & pleasure - 20
ViKKi VALENTINE is Visiting ♥ & WhATEvER iT ReQUIrES ✰ I'LL DeLIVeR Ur DEsIReS♥ - 20
(Montgomery, Carmichael Rd Incall/Outcall)