Mon 27 Jan
---> ---> Exotic {MIXED} BoMbShElL Nadia Toye ((GOOGLE ME)) 5*Stars- REVIEWED - 26
(Montgomery, Nadia's World- GET HERE!)
the lovely beautiful Boss is in your area til the morning to fulfill all needs ;-) - 23
(Montgomery, montgomery area)
°°°°°Noelle © 18 Petite and OH SO SWEET °°°°° UPSCALE ONLY - 18
(Montgomery, montgomery and surrounding areas)
__★ __ ILL COME TO YOU__★ __ OR YOU CAN COME TO ME__★ __ - 19 - 19
Slurp slurp💦💦A1 Big juicy Booty (Fairfield 50qv😻2055665694 @ll 3 holes90qv tight🚪@warm💦@juicy - 25
(Auburn, Birmingham, Fairfield, Montgomery)
💕PRinC£sS IS BACK!!!🐾🐾 2812549177 🐾🐾Everything You Need Is right HERE! - 22
(Montgomery, Montgomery, AL and surrounding areas)
[×°x°×SuPeR BAD-×°x°×] SuPeR TiGHT [×°x°×JUICeY ASS×° x°×] Exotic NYMPHO!! - 24
(east montgomery/(Incall))
№➊ Requested Slim & SeXy 60 specials 15m ( **BUTTERFLY** ) ✰ PREMiERE PLaYMATE ✰ =Complete Package! - 22
(Montgomery, InCall Only Blvd.)
🍫👅💦Ms.New Orleans Is Back~Chocolate Is Better~50$ Outcall $pecial Longest 👅 On BP🍫👅💦 - 24
(Montgomery, Montgomery/ Outcalls only)
$MS.LIMBER.... HIGHLY REVIEWED...... And here wit A-1 Service!!!!:^) - 27
(Montgomery, eastern blvd and monticello)
I'm here!!(Candy) 100% real,Outcall specials all night!!Make appt now - 25
(Montgomery, Montgomery Alabama ( outcall only))
Open Buffet All Day 334 203 5578 Sweet Super SPECIALS call now - 24
(Montgomery, MONTGOMERY ins & out)
Ms.Limber..... highly rated and ready 2 relax u.......come 2 ur getaway! - 27
(Montgomery, eastern blvd and monticello dr)
$$$ ms.fiesty 😍 ms.sexyblack special $70$$$$$$ - 20
(Montgomery, all around Montgomery ala eastern blvd)
♥▇▇♥ ❤ ღ⁀҉•° ♥ღ Highly Reviewed ღ⁀҉•° ♥ღ ❤ The PERFECT ONE IN SELMA⁀҉•° ♥ღ ♥▇▇♥ Up All Night - 21
(Montgomery, Selma Alabama All Day & Night)
Gone,but Ill be back. Jewel$, call for availability - 24
(Montgomery, montgomery and surrounding areas)
$Ms.limber is here wit tha $65 special going on all day come and get it!$ - 27
(Montgomery, eastern blvd)
BeAuTiFuL BoMbSheLL w/ New Pix!!! ...BrAnD NeW To YoUr TOwN!!! ...((AsK AbOuT mY FrEe SpeCiaL)) - 23
! Freak in the Morning ¡ ♡ Freak in the Evening ♥ ((Leaving This Morning)) So Dont Miss Out! - 21
(Montgomery, I-85 INCALLS ONLY!!)
▓ 4 sPOts rEMaiNiNg▓ ►█ lASt wEEk tO jOIn mY CliENt liST █ ◄ - 23
💦💦40 specials!!!! Your wildest Fantasy incalls only. Till tomorrow!!!!!! 😍😍😘😘👍👅💦💦💦 - 20
(Montgomery, Montgomery, eastern blvd)
Sat 11 Jan
***Your #1 Big Booty BBW Bubblez, (S@tisf@ction Gu@rant33d) $50 & $60 Nasty Azz Specialz!!! - 22
(Montgomery, MONTGOMERY, EXIT 6)
🍭❤️🍭❤️🍭 LaYLa WiLL B3 BaCk iN 4 DaYs 🍭❤️🍭❤️🍭 UP ALL NiTE❗️MiSs LaYla (INCALLz OnLy) - 21
(Montgomery, Montgomery, Eastern Blvd, Carmichael)
Michelle 24/7 anytime(sexy blue eyed BLONDE dream girl) 334-403-3288 incall or outcall - 29
(Montgomery, Incall/outcall 24/7)
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ReAd DeScRiPTiOn 4 OUTCALLz❗️ ❤️🍭♥️🍭 2 SW€€T 4 T€€TH🍭❤️🍭❤️🍭 MiSs LaYla - 21
(Montgomery, Montgomery, Eastern Blvd, Carmichael)
Fri 10 Jan
The highly reviewed $$Ms.Limber$$ and tasty new pics a nd $50 specials!!!Don't miss this deal!!! - 27
(Montgomery, eastern blvd in and outcalls)
Thu 09 Jan
*Flawless* Escape the Fakes & Enjoy an Enticing Getaway😘 Dnt Miss Out! Leaving in the A.m. - 22
(Eastern blvd, Montgomery)
NEW*** Blonde Bombshell** Call Me Now** Im Waiting!! - 25
(Montgomery, montgomery and surrounding areas in/out)
Wed 08 Jan
★•[X]• FlAwLeSs FaCe ★[X] AmAzInG SkiLLs★- [X] xtra SLIPPERY!! ------2 girls in out 50 Speacials !!! - 21
♥♡♥♡Michelle ♥♡♥♡ 100% Real & Very Sexy CALL NOW 334-403-3288 Available 24/7 incall or outcall - 29
(Montgomery, Montgomery incall or outcall)
*Outcalls Only*100% real && sexy ! always ready for a goodtime ! 3344246759 - 19
(Montgomery, Montgomery/surrounding areas outcalls)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
35qv Phat😋 Camel 🐫 Toe 😜 SkIlLeD💦T@NgU€ A1 💞 I CaN MaKe It Disappear💦😳iDo what She Dont💦 - 19
(Exit 6 40/20min 60/30min, Montgomery)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
~**2 Girls *TWICE* the FUN**~*~ U will B O Sooo SATISFIED**~ Only in town todayt! - 24
(Montgomery, Very nice Incall Exit 6)
Fri 03 Jan
$Stupid🐺GripNLipz💦 The Baddest Of Them All, D@rknLovely, 678/372/1110 - 26
(East Blvd #1$Qurritterrr, Montgomery)
$45 Sp€c~G®€aT ReV¡eWs+{☆N€w ¢uT€ F@¢€} »MEDIUM B0tt0m»Th¡¢K Th!ghS» R€aL P¡©s»( N0 ®usH )*!!! - 24
(Montgomery, Montgomery al)
Forget the rest, im the best$$$ Extremely fun!!! -outcalls only - 21
(Montgomery, montgomey/Prattville)
Thu 02 Jan