Mon 27 Jan
$$DoNt WORRY the MOVIE is JuSt BEGINNING Mz.Honey..Da Show MUST GO ON.... - 21
○●ClAsSy AnD BeAuTiFuL●○ ♥STUNNING RUSSIAN♥ ♚♕ **Up AlL NiGhT**⇲⇱ - 20
(Montgomery, Montgomery/eastern blvd area)
*Mrs.New Orleans* 9th Ward Freak*Let Me Kiss It Til You Say Stop*Super Jaws* - 23
(Montgomery, Incall and outcalls)
I am a College Girl with Erotic Desires... - 19
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, In town, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa)
Hey gentlemen what's up with you it's time to get RELAXED massages ava. - 24
(Montgomery, east blvd)
BeAuTiFuL BoMbSheLL w/ New Pix!!! ...BrAnD NeW To YoUr TOwN!!! ...((AsK AbOuT mY FrEe SpeCiaL)) - 23
LQQK ***** purr.fect RELIEF 770° 572° 7920 = 300% REAL ¤ BRAZILIAN PRINCESS
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, NSEW~ CONFIDENTIAL+PRIVATE *CLEAN * SAFE)
! Freak in the Morning ¡ ♡ Freak in the Evening ♥ ((Leaving This Morning)) So Dont Miss Out! - 21
(Montgomery, I-85 INCALLS ONLY!!)
★ Dont Forget Your Panty Party w/ sweet Juicy "BAMBI" ★ Awesome Rate !))((! = - - 28
(Montgomery, = = IN=CALL-=- OUT-call !!)
Jump in..dnt worry u wnt Lets get nasty baby 💦💦👅💋$50specials - 24
(Montgomery, eastern blvd)
$40Qv Nice Lips💋 TIGHT GRIPS👅 Cr3@my Boss F®EAk🍦Im 💦 4 U📞334-557-9838 spank me spank me now 👏 - 25
(in call/outcall I'm woke now exit 6, Montgomery)
1st Time EVER on BP. Set your appointment NOW or miss me forever - 23
(Montgomery, Montgomery/Prattville are in call or out)
2 girls • {50 Specials Last Day Here}• •••••••►•★•*iTs PlAy TiMe BoYs*•❶ ** 100% Real Beauty.. - 19
(Montgomery, Upscale Montgomery)
▓ 4 sPOts rEMaiNiNg▓ ►█ lASt wEEk tO jOIn mY CliENt liST █ ◄ - 23
💦💦40 specials!!!! Your wildest Fantasy incalls only. Till tomorrow!!!!!! 😍😍😘😘👍👅💦💦💦 - 20
(Montgomery, Montgomery, eastern blvd)
Sun 12 Jan
outcalls only * brunette bombshell 👑 ready to please you in every way! 334-544-4044 - 21
Sat 11 Jan
sexy big booty diva sabrina new too the scene ***call and check out my specials*** - 22
SERIA ——— •*° O—N—I-O—N •*° ———— B— o—O—T— Y—— •*° °———— REAL PiCS ——————— CALL NOW - 20
(Montgomery, EXIT 6 E.BLVD)
Stop Stressing about picking a bad girl, I'm always the right Choice.... - 26
(Huntsville, call and ask i may come to your area)
***Your #1 Big Booty BBW Bubblez, (S@tisf@ction Gu@rant33d) $50 & $60 Nasty Azz Specialz!!! - 22
(Montgomery, MONTGOMERY, EXIT 6)
🍭❤️🍭❤️🍭 LaYLa WiLL B3 BaCk iN 4 DaYs 🍭❤️🍭❤️🍭 UP ALL NiTE❗️MiSs LaYla (INCALLz OnLy) - 21
(Montgomery, Montgomery, Eastern Blvd, Carmichael)
Michelle 24/7 anytime(sexy blue eyed BLONDE dream girl) 334-403-3288 incall or outcall - 29
(Montgomery, Incall/outcall 24/7)
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ReAd DeScRiPTiOn 4 OUTCALLz❗️ ❤️🍭♥️🍭 2 SW€€T 4 T€€TH🍭❤️🍭❤️🍭 MiSs LaYla - 21
(Montgomery, Montgomery, Eastern Blvd, Carmichael)
Fri 10 Jan
-:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- ___TOP ♥ Q U A L I T Y___ -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- - 23
The highly reviewed $$Ms.Limber$$ and tasty new pics a nd $50 specials!!!Don't miss this deal!!! - 27
(Montgomery, eastern blvd in and outcalls)
P R E T T Y _______ P E T I T E ________ V i X E N !!! _________ REAL PHOTOS ________ READY NOW!! - 20
(Montgomery, SAFE ENIVORMENT!!)
SkYY VoN (((♥))) OFT€N IMITAT€D but N€V€R DUPLiCAT€D JaMaCiaN eBoNY(((♥))) - 24
(Montgomery, Exit 6/ Est Blvd.)
limited50/20min iRR£SiSTABL£ ❤Sexy ❤ SW££TH£ART cute face slim waist&Bigbooty; come ENJ0Y ME★ - 23
(Montgomery, New pic 6/15/14 incall/outcall)
Thu 09 Jan
👑 Your favorite addiction💉💊🚬 The highly Reviewed👏👏 NADIA TOYE™.. Cream of the Crop💯💁 - 29
(Montgomery, In call)
Sexxi Ms.meghan TOP RATED (40 dd) BEST $$$50 $$$50 specials in town - 25
(Montgomery, Montgomery exit 6 (INCALLS ONLY))
*Flawless* Escape the Fakes & Enjoy an Enticing Getaway😘 Dnt Miss Out! Leaving in the A.m. - 22
(Eastern blvd, Montgomery)
NEW*** Blonde Bombshell** Call Me Now** Im Waiting!! - 25
(Montgomery, montgomery and surrounding areas in/out)
Wed 08 Jan